


Sermon Archives (April 29, 200#):

God’s Purpose For You!

God has a purpose for you.   That purpose is not to be at the bottom of the heap, but to rule as a king and priest, to eventually rule whole planets, to be part of the God family, to become a spiritual child of God actually like Jesus Christ now.   Satan doesn’t want you to know of your potential, because as long as you don’t know that potential, there is good chance your life will continue to go nowhere.

This five-minute sermon is to empower you, so that you will know why God created man, and thus you.   It is God’s plan that each of you in time will become higher in authority and responsibility than the angels themselves.   Let me give you some Biblical proofs of God’s plan for your lives.   The Apostle Paul writes, (Romans 8:29)  “For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.”   Well then, what is Jesus like now, and what is his job description; for whatever that job description is that will be yours in the future.  (John 1:1-3) “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”   Jesus Christ was the Word.   He was in the beginning with God, and all things were made by him.   So when we read Genesis, the creation, we are seeing what was Christ’s original job description, and what will be your job description in the future as a child of God like Christ.  (Genesis 1:1)  “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”   Jesus Christ is the God of the Old Testament.   So when it is written “In the beginning God created”, what that really means is that “In the beginning Jesus as the Word created.”   And what did Jesus create.   Jesus said, “Let there be light, and there was light.”   You will be like Jesus.   In time as a child of God, you will say “Let their be light, and there” will be light.      You will say, “Let us create oceans”, and there will be oceans.  You will say on distant planets, “Let there be continents”, and there will be continents.  You will say, “Let there be life.” and there will be life.    And eventually you will say to your Father in heaven upon those distant worlds, “Let us create man, in our image” and man by your word will then be created.   This you will not do as you are now in these carnal bodies, but as children of God like Jesus in the life to come.   God is a Father who wants a family composed of children just like his son Jesus.  It is God’s purpose that He have many children, and you are even now known by Him as part of that family.

Paul writes, (Romans 8:15) “The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.”  God cannot lie.   In time, God will become more of a Father to you than your human father ever was.   The Apostle Paul tells us that we have received  (Romans 8:15)  “the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba, Father.’”   God is your real Father, and you are His children to be in the image and likeness of Jesus, His only begotten son.   You are not to be as God as the Father is God, but as children as Jesus is God’s child.

Look to billions of planets and stars.  We look for life, but we find none.  (Romans 8:20) tells us “For the creation was subjected to futility.”   It has no purpose now, other than to wait.  (Romans 8:19) tell us that this “creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.”   How many of you ever watched Star Trek.   You remember how each episode began,  “These are the voyages of the Star Ship Enterprise…to seek out new life, to boldly go where no man has gone before.”   We are drawn to this by example of God’s nature to explore and create.  But Friends, the planets are not going to be brought to life in that way. Carnal man will not Tara form the dead planets.  Instead, (1 Corinthians 15:51-53)  “We … shall all be changed--  in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.”

Satan would have you believe that we’re all just animals.  He would have you throw your life away on booze, drugs, sex, and the diseases of Satan’s corrupt society.   Satan does not want you to know that your life does have purpose, or that our Father in Heaven has plans for your life.   I want you to pray with me now for God to come into your life, to start building on God’s potential for you.   You may say, “Well, I’ve done that.”   I say, “Well, doing that before hasn’t taken or we wouldn’t be down here today.”   Even if you have prayed this before, its time now to ask again for the renewing of your minds, for you must be born again.   Will you bow your heads, close your eyes, and repeat after me,  “Lord Jesus, I need You in my life.  I believe you are the Son of God, and that You died on the cross for me.  I repent of all the works of the Devil.  Forgive me for my sins.  Cover  me with your blood.  Create by God’s Holy Spirit a clean heart, and the strength to reject Satan’s world.   Heal me and renew my spirit so that I can hear Your voice, and be used by you as your child to bring many to salvation.   I accept you as my Savior!   Your are my Lord!  Amen!”



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