Herb Vierra
210 East Pamela Road
Monrovia, CA 91016
An Offering Box will be placed on
each one of the two Condiment Bars for
tithes, offering, and donations to be
deposited in what appears to be a mail slot
on the top of the box.
The offering box will look the size
of a Kleenex tissue box on the counter.
However, the ½” molding 2 ½”
down its sides precludes the Offering Box
from sliding through the countertop hole cut
for it.
Likewise similar ½” molding
underneath the countertop will preclude the
Offering Box from being pulled up through
the whole.
Tithes, offering, and donations may
be collected by opening the box door
underneath the countertop.
With the exception of the ½”
molding, the Offering box will be
constructed of ¼” plywood. Each Offering Box will be lacquered, and stained.