Archives (August
25, 2000):
Do Bad Things Happen to Good People
you please rise for the reading of God’s Word.
Open your Bible’s to Psalms 63, as we
speak on the theme, “Why Do Bad Things Happen
to Good People.”
many have you ever had a bad day?
I mean a really bad day.
You woke up and the bird singing outside
you bedroom window was a buzzard.
That kind of day.
You called your office, and the new
secretary wanted to know who you were. That kind of day. You
got up. You
got dressed.
You drove to work, and probably got a
ticket for driving a little two fast.
You got there feeling like a wounded
You felt worse off then when you went to
work that morning.
Has that ever happened to you?
For those of you who work
in an office, and you get caught sleeping at your
computer, I want to give you three responses that
will save your job: The first response is, the
blood bank said this would happen.
This was a power nap.
It was featured at the last leadership
conference you sent me to.
And the third and I think the best response
is, in Jesus name we pray.
A minister is not to do
this, but I heard him tell the story.
Years ago, a minister’s father owned a
produce company and he wanted to go to Hawaii for
a convention, but he was afraid to leave the
company for one week because tens of thousands of
dollars would be out on the parking ramp, so
people could rip him off.
So the minister said to his father that he
would watch the store.
The problem was that the Produce Company
opened at 2 o’clock in the morning.
The minister watched the produce from two
in the morning until 8 o’clock, until another
relative could get there and relieve him.
Then, the minister went on to church and
work till 6 or 6:30.
By Thursday, which was the minister’s
marriage counseling day, the minister was
dragging. He
was running on fumes.
On that particular
Thursday, a women was coming for marriage
She was on the merge of divorce and she had
a very soft voice. The woman sat down, and {say softly] “she was talking
so softly. Her
voice was getting further and further away.”
And the next thing the minister heard was,
“SNORE … SNORE …. SNOOD”. It was the minister.
And the last conscious thing the minister
heard her say was, “I am going to divorce my
husband because when I talk he never listens to me
when I’m talking.”
That’s a bad day.
But there are days that are
darker than dark.
There are days that are darker than a
thousand midnights.
There are days when your doctor tells you
it is Cancer, and suddenly life pivots in a
There are days when your spouse says; “I
want a divorce.”
There are days when your business goes
bankrupt and all your dreams filter through your
fingers like hot sand.
There are days when your dearest friend
betrays you.
There are days when you face death
Tragedy strikes you like lightening out of
a blue sky. And what do you do then?
What do you do when bad things happen to
good people?
In Psalms 63, David
was having a bad day.
He had been driven from his throne by
Absolone, who had become a traitor, and by his
nephew Amessa, and by his friend Ahipafell, who
had become a vicious traitor.
David had fled Jerusalem, and was at this
writing heading for the Judean wilderness.
The Judean wilderness is a bitter and
barren wasteland.
Nothing lives.
As David walks across the
northern edge of the wilderness of the Judean
wilderness, called the Dead Sea, it is a
depressing place.
It is hotter than the chambers of Hell
King David is away from the magnificent
palace. He
is away from his family.
He is away from the comforts of wealth and
power, and what did he want most of all when he
was there?
Let us stand now and read Psalms 63:
63:1-4) “O
God, you are my God; early will I seek you: my
soul thirsts for you, my flesh longs for you in a
dry and thirsty land, where no water is;
To see your power and your glory, so as I
have seen you in the sanctuary.
Because your loving-kindness is better than
life, my lips shall praise you.
Thus will I bless you while I live: I will
lift up my hands in your name.”
Father, let us experience
in this church today what David wrote of in Psalms
63, and then let us leave here and practice it in
our lives.
We ask this in the name above all names,
Jesus Christ.
And all God’s people said, “Amen.”
You may be seated.
What did David miss most? What David missed most was the house of God.
Not his palace, not his royal throne, not
his family or his friends, not the comforts of
wealth and power.
But what he missed most was God’s house
and the alter in it.
In verse 1 he said,
“early will I seek you” speaking of the
house of prayer.
In verse 2 he said, “I long to see the place of power.” In verse 3 he said,
“my lips shall praise you”, in the place
of praise. So in these three places, we have a place of praise, a
place of prayer, and a place of power.
If you were to be driven
into exile, and you were in a dry and barren
dessert, what would you want most?
In the darkest day you have ever lived,
what is that you would want?
To be at home?
The comfort of your air conditioned house?
Your color television set, or your remove
I understand now that the remote is now the
symbol of power, who has the remote control.
That’s why at our bedroom, both wife and I each have a remote for the same TV.
She flips the channels one way, and then I
flip them another way.
I’m telling you, it can be war in that
bedroom till one of us falls asleep.
Would you miss the remote, or would you
miss the house of God more than all of these?
In the darkest days of your
life, what would you want most?
David said, (Psalms 122:1) “I
was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go into
the house of the Lord.’”.
Say that with me, let’s do this together,
“I was glad when they said to me, ‘Let us go
into the house of the Lord.’”
Why because in the house of the Lord there
is refuge from the storms of life.
If you find not that refuge, then it is not
the house of the Lord.
In the house of the Lord, the lost are
In the house of the lord, the bondage of
sin is broken. In the house of the Lord, sins that are crimson can be
washed whiter than snow.
The lost are saved.
Burdens are lifted, and the sobs of sorrow
are turned to shouts of joy.
In the house of the Lord, lives are
baptized with the oil of God’s Holy Spirit.
In the house of the Lord, sick bodies are
In the house of the Lord, the lamb leap for
joy, the blind see, and deaf hear.
In the house of the Lord, demon spirits are
bound and cast out.
In the house of the Lord, the garments of
praise replace the spirit of heaviness and
depression. In
the house of the Lord, the presence of joy invades
the believer.
There is peace that surpasses all
In the house of Lord, there is grace and
There is hope for the hopeless.
In the house of Lord, Jesus Christ is the
head and that’s where we want to be. (Give him Glory)
David says in Psalms 63, “O God, you are my God.”
Like any Hebrew phrase this has two
meanings. It first states that my God is real. David uses the word “Elohim”, meaning “he is all mighty.” Understand
that the God we serve is not a doubting
Grandfather sitting benignly in the heavens,
hoping that you will give him some attention once
in a while.
The God that we serve is not a cosmic bell
hop, relating for your religious response at
Thursday night services.
The God that we serve is all mighty, all
knowing, all powerful, and He, not you,
is in charge of this earth.
He is God, and there is not another like
Then the second time David
writes the word God in this verse he uses the
Hebrew word “Elohim” plural;
meaning Gods as in the Trinity.
For there is the trinity of God the Father,
God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
God who was guarding the sheep under the
stars over earth was saying, “How can men doubt
the reality of God.”
For he writes in (Psalms
19:1) “The heavens
declare the glory.”
What does that mean, “The
heavens declare the glory “?
It means that the sun, the moon, and the
stars are celestial evangelists, that every day
preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to every man who
can look up, and even to a blind man.
The sun races across hour heavens every
day, proclaiming I have been put here by a power
greater than Cape Canaveral.
I, the sun, have been put here by a power
greater than science.
I am of the creation of God the Father, the
Son, and the Holy Spirit.
For he is shepherd of the
stars, and he calls them by name.
When I pray, he answers by fire.
When I am lonely, he sticks closer than a
brother. When
I am sick, he heals my body.
He is still the healing Jesus.
He is still the Great Physician.
He is still the Balm of Gilead.
When I am under attack, he is my high
tower. He
is my shelter in the time of the storm.
He is my refuge, and my redeemer.
He prepares a table for me in the presence
of my enemies.
He gives me the best of things in the worst
of times, because my God is real.
The second meaning is, I
serve no other Gods.
We don’t serve the God of the Ammonites,
the Hittites, the Gebucites, or any other of the
“ites” that Israel had trouble with.
He was saying, my God is Jehovah God.
When you go through a dark day, to whom do
you turn?
Some turn to liquor or alcohol, others to
Let me recommend that the next time you go
through a dark time, turn to Gos PILL.
It will help a lot more than any other pill
on your shelf.
David was saying, I serve the God of
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
I serve the God that parted the seas for
I serve a God of Miracles.
I serve the God that appeared in the
flames, in the fiery furnace with the three Hebrew
Let me make this clear.
When you get into the fire, God does not
send some one.
Rather, he shows up himself.
I serve the God that muzzled the lions for Daniel.
I serve the Lord who sits upon the circle
of the earth, and he weights the mountains and the
valleys in the balance.
David said, that the God that I serve is a
giant killer.
He is a way maker, he is the creator of
heaven and earth.
He is the Lord of Glory.
He is the Light of the World.
He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
He is the Lamb of God, and he is worthy of
our highest praise.
So I ask again, what God do
you serve in your darkest day?
When you’ve been betrayed.
It happens here. Even here at the Dream Center.
When your heart is broken, when you are
surrounded by tragedy.
When you place the one dearest to you into
the earth, to whom do you turn, and where do you
David said, there is only one answer.
I go to the rock of my salvation.
I go to the fortress.
I go to my high tower.
I go to the shield and the buckler.
I go to him that can give you a song in the
night. I
go to the one who Peter said, ( in 1
Peter 1:8) is “joy unspeakable and full of glory”. David says, I go to the one who gives you (in
Philippians 4:7) “peace that surpasses all
understanding.” I go to the Lord who can give you streams in the
dessert, who
can the turn the darkest night into the brightest
day. I
turn to Jesus Christ, who is the author and the
finisher of my faith. He is the answer.
Halleluiah to the Lamb.
And David then says in Psalms 63, “early will I
seek you.”
Say that with me, “Early
will I seek you.”
What does that mean?
Again, a Hebrew phrase has at least two
The first meaning is early in the morning.
And there are early morning prayer services
here at the Dream Center at 7:30 AM during the
week. For
some, that early in the morning may well be an
abomination in your life. The second meaning of this phrase “Early” means
“the first thing in the morning.”
So if you wake up at eleven, the first
thing you do is talk to Him;
not turn on the soap opera, but talk to
him. First things first, is to put God first.
David was saying, communion
with God is more desirable than comfort in a royal
bedchamber. Ask
yourself, how much time do you spend in prayer
each day.
Be assured the prayer less Christian is a
week Christian, who will never live in victory.
Husbands and wives that don’t pray
together, on their way too big trouble, because
Jesus Christ is one who has the answers for you.
Christians today seem to be controlled by a
comfort syndrome.
Churches are built for absolute comfort.
We run five miles from the home and back
and call it exercise, and America feels good about
it. But
if some go to Church and can’t park their car in
the lobby, they have been offended, persecuted.
The Church is no longer sensitive to my
We move to padded pews, deep pile carpets,
air conditioning, a stereo sound system.
We have stained glass windows.
We have pipe organs.
But where in all this is
the power of Pentecost that was there in the upper
room? Where
is that? A
room of stone.
A room without air conditioning.
A room without an organ.
If an American pastor were to ask his
congregation to come to the House of God and spend
ten days and nights in fasting and prayer, they
would want to call the nearest insane asylum, and
fire that fanatic.
We need someone with a little spiritual
That’s what they would say, and some of
you would be saying that.
Jesus Christ did not come to this earth and
die on the cross for your comfort.
Instead, Jesus said, (Mark 10:21) “Take up the
cross, and follow me.”
Consider our burdens as opposed to early
Christians who in the New Testament followed
Christ. Everybody
got killed.
There is no crown, without a cross;
no gain without a loss.
There is no victory without a fight.
There can be no dawn without a night.
Realize that you may be called to make a
sacrifice in your life.
The Bible says, (in Ephesians
“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may “
fight the good fight of faith.
So as to stand in the evil day,
and this is that evil day.
There are burdens to carry,
giants to whip.
There are plows to put are hands to.
Let us quit wining about our comfort.
We are at war with the world, the flesh,
and the devil.
Let us show up, suit up because in Jesus
name the victory is ours.
David says, “my
soul thirsts for you”.
Say that with me,
“my soul thirsts for you”
Only living things thirst.
If you have no thirst for God, you are
spiritually dead;
twice dead, plucked up by the roots.
You have no life.
You have no fruit.
You have no passion.
You have no purpose, being a religious
corpse. You
are singing about a heaven you will never see.
You have master the form, but are not a
force. You
have master the ritual, but without righteousness.
You have hype but without holiness, and
there is a difference.
A young man hunger for God. He wanted more power from God.
He went to his Pastor as asked how.
The Pastor took him down to the river, and
the young man followed obediently thinking the
Pastor was about to baptize him.
And when he got the young man out in the
river and the water up to his chest, the Pastor
grabbed the young man’s head and held it under
water until he was about to drown. The young man violently swung the Pastor away.
When his head broke the water, and he
gasped for air, the Pastor looked at him and said,
“When you were under water, what did you want
more than anything in the world.” He said, “Air.”
The Pastor replied, “When you want Jesus
as much as you wanted air, you’ll have more
power from God.”
So I ask you, in your
darkest day what do you want?
What do your prayer’s seek?
Only Jesus can satisfy your soul.
A bird is satisfied with last year’s
birds nest.
A cow is satisfied to chew its cud.
A dog will chew on last years bone, but the
only thing that will satisfy you is the presence
of the living God.
Alternately we may try and fill our soul
with alcohol, cocaine, or sexual fantasies but
these will only break your heart, leaving you more
broken in your life. If you’re looking for something that will really fill the
emptiness, that something is Jesus Christ the son
of God.
He is the answer. Halleluiah.
After the 120 were in the
upper room for 10 days in his presence, the book
of (Acts
2:15), “For
these are not drunk as you suppose.”
They came out of that room with Holy Ghost
Power to heal the sick.
Power to cast out demon spirits.
Together let us pray to God, do it again
and let it start here at the Dream Center in this
The world has many
amusements, but no lasting pleasure.
Pleasure is God’s invention.
Satan can fabricate thrills, but only God
can give pleasure.
Satan and his crowd do not have a single
genuine lasting pleasure.
16:11 says) “You
will show me the path of life.
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures
The point is, only Jesus can satisfy you.
Some of you killing yourself physically.
You’re destroying yourselves emotionally
and financially.
You’re destroying everything you are
trying to build, pursuing something that is an
illusion. You will only have peace, love and joy when you
surrender to Jesus Christ, the son of God.
Only he can satisfy you.
Then David says, “my
flesh longs for you.”
He uses two words in this phrase,
“my soul” and “my flesh”. The
meaning is, my whole being longs for God.
The soul is the place where you
intellectually make your decisions, but the flesh
is that part of you that is controlled by the five
senses. Touch,
taste, smell, hearing, and feeling.
So I am asking you, are you a spiritual
Christian driven by the Holly Spirit and the Word
of God or are you a carnal Christian?
Meaning you are absolutely consumed by the
If what you do is for you only, you are
very flesh. You are “self” driven.
Your God is what you see when you shave, or
put on makeup in the morning.
The soul is where you make your decisions.
The flesh is touch, taste, smell, hearing,
and feeling.
How can you tell if you are
spiritually or carnally controlled?
Ask yourself, what controls you?
Do you have a compulsion for comfort or
when Christ asks you to sacrifice of your time and
talent do you, is your response “I’m
Would you rather here Amazing Grace
or rock music?
What do you like to taste?
Do you like the taste of God which is rich
and pure, or do you poison your brain with network
soap operas?
Some might say, “I just don’t feel led.”
There is not a verse in the Bible that
tells you that what your feelings are is what you
You’re controlled by the
word of God.
You’re controlled by the Holy Spirit.
You are a disciple of Christ.
Disciple is a word that has within it the
word “discipline”.
It means you do what you are suppose to do
when you are suppose to do it as long as you are
suppose to do it to get your job done whether you
feel like it or not.
Some might say, “Well
I really don’t feel that I want to go to the
Dream Center today.”
That’s really not the question.
If next week a tornado
strikes, you say, “It’s
God’s day, and I’m going to house of God.”
If the heat goes above a hundred, there
are those who say,
“Inclement weather.
Too hot.
Lock the door, and turn on the television.
Church is not going to happen today.”
Don’t kid yourself.
God is in the house.
Either you are a disciple of Christ, or you
are not.
2) David says of the Church, “To
see your power and your glory, …as I have seen
you in the sanctuary.”
The greatest need in the world is the
Church to see the power of the Gospel preached
under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 4:20)
“For the kingdom of God is not in word,
but in power.”
The Lords pray tells us in (Matthew
6:13) “For yours is
the kingdom, and THE POWER, and the glory.”
The book of Acts says (chapter
1, verse 8) that
“you shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon
Christ said, (in Luke 10:19), “I
give unto you power to tread on serpents and
scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy:
and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”
Where is Jesus now?
The Bible says in (Matthew
26:64), “you
shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand
of power.”, that is on the right hand of
God. How
is he coming back to earth?
The Bible says, (Matthew 24:30) “they shall
see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven
with power and great glory.”
How is he going to rule when he sits on
his throne in New Jerusalem?
The Bible say (in
Revelation 19:15), “he shall rule them with
a rod of iron.”
That means he is going to have power.
Jesus is not going to ask the Supreme Court
whether his Ten Commandments can be hung in public
school buildings.
By the power of his word, he will speak it
and it will become law. These will no longer be matters upon which the legalistic
arguments and twisting of the American Civil
Liberties Union will be relevant.
We will not have to ask the Supreme Court
if it is alright to pray, because as it is written (Romans 14:11)
"As I live, says the LORD, Every knee
shall bow to Me, And every tongue shall confess to
God." What
will they confess?
That Jesus is LORD!
Say it with me, “Jesus is LORD!” Say
it again, “Jesus
is LORD!”
There is power in that name. I
tell you this with the authority of all mighty
God, that as we spoke those words every demon in
Los Angeles county just started running for
Why. To
get away from us.
There is power in His
Gospel. It will make you glad, and it will make you sad.
But it won’t bore you.
There is power in his Blood, which will
free you from your burden of sin.
There is power in the blood.
Would there be those who would allow evil
to win, there is power in the blood to defeat it.
There is power to wash you whiter than snow.
There is power to guide you.
There is power to provide.
There is power to defend you.
There is power to deliver you.
There is power to defeat your enemies.
Thank God for the power of the blood, the
Word, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, for there is
power in this blood.
(Give it up for Jesus.)
What have the limp wrested
Pollyanna’s of America’s pulpits done with the
power of the blood,
you ever repent, to some extent, you can be saved,
to some degree.
The Gospel says, (Romans
6:23) “For the wages of sin is death.”
Liars, even in the pulpit, are being
called extraverts with big imaginations.
Homosexuals are being ordained into the
Gospel ministry, under the auspices of a secondary
life style.
The Church has become saturated with
The Gods of self, and pleasure, and secular
humanism have for many replaced the preaching of
the cross.
Why is Satanism the fastest growing
religion in America.
Because a generation of American’s have
become sick and tired
- notice sick always comes with tired.
One is never merely sick now a days, but
rather one is sick and tired – of religious
form. America
is looking for supernatural power.
For those of you who have been
disillusioned by a limp wrested preachers, and a
limp wrested Gospel, let me recommend to you
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
You will find in there a Jesus of power.
You can lay your hands on sick, and they
shall recover. You can lay hands on your demonized son, and he will be
delivered of crack and cocaine.
You can say in the authority and Word of
Jesus Christ, and He will deliver, because He is a
God of Power.
David then says (in verse
“Because your loving-kindness is better than
Say that with me,
“Because your loving-kindness is better than
Have you ever heard a person who is doing
something they really enjoy say,
“This is the life.”
How many of you have ever heard
someone say that, or how many of you have ever
said that?
A fisherman is out fishing, and he catches
the biggest fish of his life, so he proclaims, “This is the life.” A
golfer hits a hole in one, and maybe, a miracle of
miracles, this is the life.
An opera lover listens to Poveratie and
says, “This
is the life.”
A Larker's fan watching Shaq feed Kobby an
aerial slam dunk and says,
is the life. Wow.”
But David said that life is dear, but
God’s presence, his love, and his anointing is “better
than life.”
Not “this
is the life”, but “better
than life.”
Now think about that.
Remove His light, and we walk in shadow of
Remove His love, and life becomes as bitter
as Gaul. Remove
His hope, and life becomes an absolute depression.
Think of this.
God has shared life with the lowest
creatures in the biological chain.
Creatures that you can watch under a
microscope have life.
But his loving kindness is reserved only
for righteous, and that’s something to shout
about. Halleluiah to the lamb of God.
Then David says, “my
lips shall praise you.”
David is in the dessert.
If you’ve ever been in a real dessert,
you know it takes something to praise God there.
It is bitter. It is barren. What
is his response, “my lips shall praise you.”
The point is, praise is not dependant upon
your feelings.
Praise is not dependant upon your emotions
or your circumstances.
Praise is an act of your will.
Say this with me, praise is an act of your
will. Are
you in the dessert of your days.
Have you been lied about?
Has someone attacked your character?
Praise God.
Are you going through the darkest day in
your life? Then,
praise God.
If you are surrounded by enemies, then
praise God?
Are you wiry?
Are you tired? Are you broken hearted?
Then praise God.
Paul and Siles were in jail.
They were beaten.
They were bloody? They were surrounded by rats, disease, enemies of them
and the Church, and their response was that they
sang praises to God in the midnight hour.
And they walked out of that place, with
keys in one hand and converts in the other hand
because they praised God by an act of their will.
In their darkest day, they decided to shine
not whine.
In their darkest day, they decided to be
the victor, not the victim.
In their darkest day, they decided to let
God arise and let His enemies be scattered.
They decided they would not be dominated by
their feelings.
They decided instead that they would be
dominated by their discipline to the Word of God.
Who should praise the Lord? The Bible says in
(Psalms 156:6)
“Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.”
Say that with me, “Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD.”
That means, if you are alive, you should
praise God.
Which may explain, why some don’t.
(Don’t worry. When you’re driving home, you’ll get it.)
A pastor was officiating at
a funeral. He
said, “I
have been the Pastor of this corpse for 35
Does anyone not praise the Lord?
Yes. The Bible
says (in Psalms 115:17), “The dead praise not the LORD.”
That means the spiritually dead.
Jesus said, (in John 10:10)
“I have come that they may have life, and
that they may have it more abundantly.”
And that’s why some sit in services like
this (soar faced – straight).
It’s not that there more intellectual
than any of us, or more dignified.
Some regrettably don’t know the
difference between dignity and RIGAMORTOUS.
The problem is that they are as
dead as stump spiritually.
If Jesus is in you, you will praise the
Lord. If
Jesus is not in you, you will fix yourself like a
wooden Indian no more capable of praising the Lord
than a cow can jump over the moon.
How does the Bible
say to praise the Lord.
The Bible says (in Psalms 111:1)
will praise the LORD with my whole heart, in the
assembly of the upright, and in the
congregation.” This
means do it with gusto, or don’t do it.
Is this then something that one can do at home?
No! It
is to be done in the assembly and in the
One can go to a Laker’s game, and you can
stand and scream till you get laryngitis and
you’re thrilled because someone put a circle of
hot hair through a circle of iron. What difference does it make, when a man walks the
isle, and his life has been changed.
He has walked out of the bowels of Hell
into the Kingdom of God. His marriage has been healed.
His son has been delivered from Cocaine. That’s something to praise God for.
Jesus Christ, the lamb of
God, and the light of the world has carried his
blood soaked to the slopes of Calvary.
He has defeated the powers and
principalities of the powers of darkness.
He has stripped Satan of all of his power. He has given to all of us, all of that power.
He has made all of us sons and daughters in
the Kingdom of God.
God has adopted us as his very own.
That’s something to shout about.
David says, “Thus
will I bless you while I live: I will lift up my
hands in your name.”
You ever notice that some
church’s do not have their members raise hands
to the Lord.
“We just don’t do that.”
Well, you’re doing it wrong if you
If one preaches the Bible, then one
should practice the Bible.
It says right here in black and white “I
will lift up my hands in your name.”
Some worship God at half-mast.
(Raise hands waist high)
Of course for a Lazy Lutheran, half-mast
means somebody died.
Uplifted hands in any language means, I
It means I have surrendered to Jesus
Christ, the author and finisher of my faith. You take my life and use it Lord. That’s what it means.
“I will lift up my
hands.” I study people. I
can take your hand and tell you a lot about you.
A hand extended in friendship tells you
something about the condition of your heart.
Hands that are lily white
… your either a banker or card shark.
Not a whole lot of difference really.
Then there is tanned hands … a farmer or
a beach bum.
Callous hands … the hands of a worker.
Stained hands … a mechanic.
If you got stains right here then you are a
If you grab somebody by the hand and it
feels like a dead fish by the tail, I’d like to
rip it off at the shoulder.
David said everybody’s
hands should praise the Lord.
(In Psalm 60:4) “I will lift up my hands in your name.” Say that with me, “I
will lift up my hands in your name.”
134:2) “Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the LORD.”
Timothy 2:8) “I
desire therefore that the men pray everywhere,
[That means in every denomination. That means all
over planet earth.
That means especially in the house of God.]
lifting up
holy hands, without wrath and doubting.” That’s the word of God.
Praise is a form of
sacrifice. (Hebrews 13:15) says,
by Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of
praise to God [continuously] , that is, the fruit
of our lips, giving thanks to His name.”
For with such sacrifice, God is well
That means the sacrifice costs you
something. It costs you your ego maybe.
It may cost you your sense of doctrinal
pride maybe.
Many people say, “Well what will
people think?”
You should not care what people think.
Rather be concerned what God almighty
What this means is the Old
Testament system of sacrifice is over.
When Jesus said on Calvary “it
is over” and “it is finished”, that means the Old Testament sacrifices of the
turtle dove, the rams, the bulls, and the goats as
an atonement for sin are over.
Jesus Christ died at the cross, and now he
does not want a dead goat.
Instead, he wants a living Halleluiah.
He does not want a dead bird.
He wants a living “Praise the Lord.”
He does not want a dead bull.
He wants a praise in church filled with the
power of the book of Acts.
I close with this verse,
not because I am done, but because I am out of
time. Praise
is a weapon of spiritual warfare. Say
that with me.
Praise is a weapon of spiritual warfare.
(Psalms 8:2) “Out of the
mouth of babes and sucklings have you ordained
strength because of your enemies, that you may
silence the enemy.” The enemy here are
unseen supernatural power.
“That you may silence the enemies and the
avenger.” The enemy and the avenger is Satan. Let me give you a running translation of that verse.
“Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings…”
That means the born again believers in Christ. “You have
ordained strength because of your enemies.”
The unseen powers and principalities in the
heavens “that you” through the praise of the righteous “may silence the enemy and the avenger.” That’s Satan. When
you begin to praise God, all the powers and
principalities over Los Angeles back up, and Satan
himself backs up, because he can not combat the
praises of the redeemed and the righteous.
Praise is God’s address.
He says when you start praising him, He
inhabit your praises.
That means, He lives there.
So when you get in the
valley of the shadow of death, praise the Lord.
So when you are living through your darkest
day, praise the Lord. When you have been thrown in prison as Paul and Siles, praise
the Lord. In
the moments of despair, praise the Lord.
For in your praise, you bind the powers of
darkness and God sends you victory. Give him praise and Glory in the house of God.